Our international students actively participate in a wide array of academic and extracurricular activities, primarily facilitated through our robust distance E-learning system.

A Trailblazer in Social Work: Celebrating the Achievements of Amb.Dr.SmilyMukta G

A Trailblazer in Social Work: Celebrating the Achievements of Amb.Dr.SmilyMukta G In the heart of Dallas, Texas, USA, a beacon of inspiration and dedication to social change shines brightly. Amb.Dr.SmilyMukta G has recently been awarded the esteemed title of Doctor of Social Work (HONORIS CAUSA) from the prestigious Global Nation Open University, marking a significant […]

Celebrating Dr. Amb Joyce Ugbosu’s Remarkable Achievement: Doctor of Digital Education Management from the Global Nation Open University

Celebrating Dr. Amb Joyce Ugbosu’s Remarkable Achievement: Doctor of Digital Education Management from the Global Nation Open University Introduction: In the realm of academia, the pursuit of knowledge is a lifelong journey, marked by dedication, perseverance, and a commitment to excellence. It is with great pride and joy that we extend our heartfelt congratulations to […]